I was unsure at first whether it was worth getting into Twitter. I started following other users, including some news services and a handful of celebrities I was interested in. What really got me more into it however were the fellow "Twitterers" that I discovered in Taiwan. I began following a number of people who live and work in Taiwan. Twitter gave me an introduction to friends that I had never met before, but who I might someday. The common connection was our experiences of life on this island, and our unique views on the things we saw and were a part of.
So I was "tweeting" along just fine when a couple weeks ago I noticed that my "Followers" and "Following" counts were listed at "0" (zero). Up till then I was following about 60 people and about 25 were following me (a combination of both real world friends and online acquaintances). I immediately sent an e-mail to Twitter support but only got an automated reply saying that they were aware there was a "bug" (catchphrase for "We don't know what the heck is going on!") in the system.
Then, about a day later, I checked my account and a large notice in bright red across the top of the page said that my account was suspended for "suspicious activity", which they define as basically any kind of "spam" or service abuse, neither of which I was guilty of.
Repeated enquiries to Twitter has resulted in zero response, and at this point my account is still suspended, with no indication when it might be restored, if ever. If you were following me on Twitter and are reading this, you can now follow me on a new account, @tairods, though who knows how long that one will last.
I know Twitter has been a big deal this year, with many people joining, and they have had their share of technical glitches as a result. Being a free service, I guess one shouldn't expect too much in the way of customer service or support. I do hope my original account is restored soon, so I reconnect with the good friends I have met online here in Taiwan. Taiwan is such a unique place to live, that any expat I meet, face to face, or online, is a "good mate".