I was admitted to the China Medical University Hospital last Thursday (Sept. 4). Although my expat insurance plan would cover me for a stay in a semi-private room, I decided to go with the standard ward room (4 patients). I figured it would give me a chance to get to know some people, and maybe encourage them during my stay.
Surgery was the next morning. Originally they were just going to insert a drainage tube to allow the bursa sac to heal properly, but my doctor suggested that they take out the bursa altogether. That would eliminate any recurrence of the problem. So, now I have a nice 5 inch incision running down the middle of my left knee. I go back next week to get the stitches out. I'm sure the scar will be a good one to pull out at parties in the future.

This was my first time to have surgery of any kind, although not my first hospital stay. I never realized before how recovering from surgery in a hospital room is a lot like an overseas flight. A lot of sitting in one position, having meals brought, reading books and magazines, and the occasional trip to the bathroom.
For most of my stay one of the beds in the room was empty, so I only had 2 other roommates. The fellow beside me (which I didn't see a lot of since the curtain was always drawn) was an 86 year old man that had some kind of surgery the same morning I had mine. He was quite hard of hearing so whenever his family or the nurses talked to them they had to practically yell. I learned a lot of new medical terms in Taiwanese however as a result.

The other fellow was a 38 year old man that was suffering from a persistent brain hemorrhage. He had already been in the hospital for 5 weeks, and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight (I'll post more about him in a few days). His 72 year old father was there with him around the clock to help provide care. The hospital system in Taiwan is different than in the West. Nurses only do the most basic of required care (dispensing medicine, inserting IV's, etc.). Family members of the patient are expected to do the rest, such as managing bed pans, giving sponge baths, providing meals. A small cot is provided beside each hospital bed for the caretaker's use. I had good friends in the mission that helped out with visits, bringing me food, etc., but I think my roommates were a little perplexed that I didn't have someone stay with me round the clock, as is their custom.
So now I am back home. The incision is healing well. I need to change the dressing on it every day. The doc says I should wait 4 weeks before I start to exercise on it. I'm glad the procedure is done and look forward to getting back to a regular exercise routine soon.
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