...personal blog about my experiences of living, raising a family, and serving as a messenger of the good news of Jesus Christ in Taiwan. Comments are always welcome.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Weekend To Remember

My wife and I participated in a marriage enrichment retreat this past weekend. It was put on by Family Life Canada, a ministry under the "Power To Change" umbrella organization. We had previously attended a marriage weekend through the same organization about 7 years ago. That one was held in Niagara Falls, ON. This last one was at the Blue Mountain Resort & Conference Center near Collingwood, ON. Family Life Canada typically hosts about 8 or 9 such weekend marriage conferences a year, in various cities and places across Canada. They even have one in Chinese (Mandarin) next spring in Ottawa.

Just as it was 7 years ago, this past weekend was an incredible opportunity for Eileen and I to reconnect, apart from the distractions of life and parenting, and focus on the current health, and hopes, of our marriage. One of the statements from the facilitators was that "The grass is not greener on the other side of the fence. It is greener where you water it.", and this past weekend, we were able to do a lot of watering, cultivating, and even routing out some "weeds" that had started to grow in our relationship.

Eileen and I firmly believe in the value of these marriage retreat weekends. Family Life Canada is a top notch organization, with excellent, experienced, and transparent facilitators. Couples at any stage of their marriage can benefit from the excellent teaching, challenges, and encouragement available through this marriage conference. We would highly recommend this to anyone who is committed to making their marriage more fulfilling and satisfying, living out the purposes God designed for this wonderful, unique, and foundational human relationship. Eileen and I are even praying that God might help us in a financial way to give the gift of "A Weekend To Remember" for other couples we know.

For more information on Family Life Canada's ministries, check out their website here. A schedule of upcoming marriage retreats can be found here.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Now?

Now that my family has settled into basic life routines back in Canada, and we're all feeling relatively well-adjusted, I have asked myself, "What should I blog about now?" I started the blog, and intended it to be, personal thoughts on life as a missionary in Taiwan. Well, right now, I'm not in Taiwan. For the next nine months we will (Lord willing), continue to make our home in Canada, following which (Lord willing), we will return to ministry in Taiwan. So, not having been overly motivated to blog about much of anything the past four months, I wonder what the focus should be for the immediate future....

In talking about this with a friend the other day, she suggested I write about "transitions". A good idea, since that has been the experience of our family this year. I also thought about writing about cultural comparisons between Taiwan and Canada. I have had a Twitter account for almost 3 years now (visit @tairod to follow me), and most of what I "tweet" about there has to do with either Taiwan or Canada, so the cultural comparison theme might be a natural expansion on that.

In any case, I don't plan to change the name of the blog. Being temporarily away from Taiwan does not equal absence from Taiwan, if you know what I mean, and as long as we plan to return, that will be our focus. There are a lot of exciting things God is doing in Taiwan, and still a lot of needs and work to be done, so if you follow along, you'll be hearing more about that in the weeks and months to come.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Avoiding Drift

Just thought I'd share a great quote this morning from a book I'm reading about the importance of spending time DAILY in God's Word:

"Know this: All of us drift somewhat, because we still wear human flesh. We must contend with and abate a warped and sinful nature that will accompany us on our journey throughout this lifetime. However, meeting with divine mentors on a daily basis will allow us to make the necessary corrections in smaller increments, so we don't have to go through the shock of a major adjustment. We must make frequent stops. Without consistent compass checks to assure our direction, we can drift and drift and discover too late our miscalculations. (Wayne Cordeiro in "The Divine Mentor")

The "divine mentors" Cordeiro refers to are those in the Scriptures through whom God has worked out His divine purposes throughout Biblical history, and in whom we see the revelation and application of His truth. I am really being challenged by this book. Whether you choose to read it or not, I would encourage you to examine your own "drift", and be convinced again that being steeped in God's truth is the best way to avoid the pain of sinful choices.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Western Canada Trip

We've just returned to London, Ontario, from a wonderful time out in Western Canada (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta). We visited 7 different churches, spent time with family and friends, and were refreshed by God's goodness. It was exciting to able to share with many what God is doing in Taiwan, and the vision SEND Taiwan has for reaching the least-reached peoples there (more on that soon).

Now we settle into some "routine" for the coming year. This will be a year to rest, recover, reflect, recharge, renew, and respond to what God has for us. A big "hurdle" for us is the additional financial support we need to raise in order to return to Taiwan next summer. I say "hurdle" for us, but it's not a hurdle for God. We are trusting for His provision, as He always has provided for us in the past.

"O Sovereign LORD, you have begun to show to your servant your greatness and your strong hand. For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do the deeds and mighty works you do?"
- Deuteronomy 3:24

Friday, May 7, 2010

Praying for a Friend

Last week a good friend of mine was involved in a serious motorcycle accident. He and his wife were actually taking care of our kids while my wife and I got away for a weekend by ourselves. He had gone out to run an errand and upon returning to our house was struck by a young Taiwanese kid going WAY TOO FAST down a narrow lane behind our house. In the 3+ years that we have lived here I have witnessed at least 6 accidents at that particular cross-alley. It is a dangerous place to cross, especially for those that aren't aware of it. I never thought a close friend of mine would be one of the "statistics" of that crossing.

I, along with several friends, visited him in the hospital today, and prayed for him. We question why this had to happen to him, why now; especially since he and his wife lost their oldest daughter earlier this year in a motor vehicle accident in America in January. What we do know is that God is not finished with him yet. God still has plans for him. Please pray for my friend, Scott, and his wife, Leslie. Pray for God's grace to overflow in their lives at this time. We are all in the war together.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

How's Your Marriage?

I'd thought I'd share this video and song. It's from the movie "Fireproof", which many people have seen already, especially if they are in the Christian faith. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. It is a lower budget movie, and there are some slightly cheesy moments, but it is a powerful film with a message that hits right at the core of what is needed in a marriage relationship.

My wife and I first watched it about a year ago, and then we watched it again last week. I got more out of it the second time. I was also very blessed by this song that is featured in the movie. It deals with a major theme and lesson that God has been teaching me over the past 3 months, that of moving ahead in obedience, even as I
WAIT on Him. Too often I go to one extreme or the other; confusing waiting on God with doing nothing, or, on the other hand, simply taking control of my own life to the exclusion of any consideration of His will and purposes for me. I am learning that it is both/and; the Divine will working in concert with my will. This song has been a special encouragement to me, and I hope it can be to you as well.

Even if you are not a Christian, if you are committed to your spouse and want to build a better marriage, I would recommend watching the movie and discussing it together with your spouse. I hope the "romance" of Valentine's Day will not be lost too quickly, but translate into an ongoing, growing love and commitment in your marriage.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Grief and Hope

Yesterday we received the tragic news that the oldest daughter of some dear friends of ours here in Taiwan had been killed in a car accident in North Carolina. Aimee was 25 years old, and just at the beginning of her career as an elementary school teacher in the U.S. My wife and I have known the family since we first came to Taiwan in the early 90's, when Aimee was only 7 years old. We deeply feel the sense of loss and grief that Aimee's parents, sister, and brothers are feeling at this time.

Aimee Elisabeth Powell

Aimee's death was sudden and unexpected, unlike the passing of one of our neighbors, a Taiwanese grandmother who was well into her 90's and had been ill for some time. Today they are holding a funeral service for her across our lane. Family has gathered to "meditate" as prayers are chanted for the departed soul.

As I listened to the monotone chanting, I wondered what hope our neighbors have for the eternal destiny of this woman's soul. I believe it is quite unlike the hope that Aimee's family has, knowing that Aimee loved Jesus and lived with the assurance that one day she would live with him in heaven, as she now is. There is still the pain of loss, of course, but Aimee's family, and everyone else who knew Aimee and knows Jesus, live in confidence that we will see her again one day. And Aimee, like her missionary parents, had a burden to share that hope in Christ with others. May many come to know the hope found only in Christ.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
- Paul's Letter to the Romans
Chapter 8:38-39