...personal blog about my experiences of living, raising a family, and serving as a messenger of the good news of Jesus Christ in Taiwan. Comments are always welcome.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

How's Your Marriage?

I'd thought I'd share this video and song. It's from the movie "Fireproof", which many people have seen already, especially if they are in the Christian faith. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. It is a lower budget movie, and there are some slightly cheesy moments, but it is a powerful film with a message that hits right at the core of what is needed in a marriage relationship.

My wife and I first watched it about a year ago, and then we watched it again last week. I got more out of it the second time. I was also very blessed by this song that is featured in the movie. It deals with a major theme and lesson that God has been teaching me over the past 3 months, that of moving ahead in obedience, even as I
WAIT on Him. Too often I go to one extreme or the other; confusing waiting on God with doing nothing, or, on the other hand, simply taking control of my own life to the exclusion of any consideration of His will and purposes for me. I am learning that it is both/and; the Divine will working in concert with my will. This song has been a special encouragement to me, and I hope it can be to you as well.

Even if you are not a Christian, if you are committed to your spouse and want to build a better marriage, I would recommend watching the movie and discussing it together with your spouse. I hope the "romance" of Valentine's Day will not be lost too quickly, but translate into an ongoing, growing love and commitment in your marriage.

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